In Workout Wednesday

Workout Wednesday – All-Fours Legs!

This workout is low key and perfect for prenatal mommas! If you’re trying to ease back into your workouts postpartum (and have received approval to get back at it) this one is also great for you. I actually waited a lot longer than the “6 week” period because I was seeing a pelvic floor therapist who was helping me guide my healing process. I didn’t want to push myself too hard, too fast and set myself back. I teach HIIT classes, so I definitely had to bring myself back down to earth, psychologically and physically, and stop the running, jumping, bouncing and all of that. I needed to focus on being grounded and listening to my body and these workouts made me feel the burn I desired, without injuring my pelvic floor. 

Enjoy Momma xo

All-Fours Leg Workout
20 Reps each, on both sides!

  • Diagonal lifts 
  • Diagonal lift pulses
  • Lift to back
  • Lift & Pulse 
  • Lift & Pulse x 3 
  • Lift & Circle x3
  • Counter Clockwise x3 
  • Hit low/middle/high
  • Circle low/middle/high

Check out the Instagram post from today for a reference on all of these exercises!

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