Hello Momma! How does a work out sound right about now? At this point in your pregnancy, you may not feel like much has changed for you physically. You may have some typical aches and pains or you’re more exhausted than usual and possibly experiencing the lovely effects of morning, noon and night sickness. All of this can definitely impact not only your physical health, but your emotional, as well. In terms of the body image aspect of pregnancy, your body may look relatively the same, you may have noticed that you’re a bit bloated but.. what else is new? Am I right? I mean, maybe that is just me. Anyway, my body felt different in the sense that I had the awareness that there was a little bean growing inside of me and it was relying on me to stay healthy and keep it safe. For me, that really changed the game. I also experienced a constant reminder because I had morning, noon and night sickness.. so, baby did not let me forget that my body was no longer my own. That definitely impacted my ability to feel good and have the energy to work out. If I had my way, I think I would have stayed in bed for the majority of the first trimester, but at that time, I had been keeping my pregnancy a secret and apparently I had to go to a fun thing we call work in order to help with the finances AKA I did not have a choice like most mommas in this world.
Many mommas have asked me “how do you maintain your fitness level when you’re pregnant?” I know it can be hard to motivate ourselves even when we are rested, feeling amazing and living our best life but pregnancy can really halt the motivation train. So, here are some suggestions you might want to try to get your body moving!
Make yourself accountable: For me, it definitely helped that I teach a fitness class so it forced me to be accountable. Now, I’m not saying that you should run out and start your own fitness class just to get some motivation in early pregnancy (trust me, I don’t want the competition), I’m just saying that, for me, when I do not have a choice in the matter, it gives me motivation. It is like giving myself a deadline. I was the queen of procrastination when it came to launching this blog and then I finally give myself a Mother’s Day deadline and boom, blog is up and I’m on the train with no stops in sight. My point is, sometimes joining a program that is either structured or somewhat expensive (in other words, you don’t want to waste money so you show up), makes you accountable and more likely to get that body moving. Not only was I teaching a fitness class, I was also attending a prenatal yoga class (more expensive than just simply having a gym membership). I’m sure you’ve already thought about mat leave pay and realized that it is time to start saving up those dollars, so the last thing you want to do is lose money on a program that you do not show up to. So, if you’re pregnant and finding it difficult to move your body because you’re not feeling 100 percent or you’re more tired than usual, consider joining a mommy group or finding an online outlet that posts pregnancy-safe workouts. Also, try to ensure that the trainers you are working with are educated in prenatal fitness. This is supposed to be a good form of self-care, you don’t want to end up being worse for wear due to improper guidance.
Listen to your body!: It is very important that we stay active during pregnancy but it is also important that when we are tired, we give in and take a break. Easier said than done, especially if you have a toddler (or two) running around in addition to that pregnant belly. So don’t push yourself momma, listen to what your body needs and nourish it. Just in case you’re concerned, movement in pregnancy is encouraged. You should be keeping up with fitness each and every day, whether it be going for a walk, stretching, or simply just moving your body. Back in the day it was discouraged, so try not to listen to old school folks telling you that you should not work out while you’re pregnant. If you’re educated on the proper prenatal workout regimes, listen to your body to ensure you’re giving yourself breaks, and not considered a high-risk pregnancy, you should be able to remain active throughout your pregnancy. You know you best, so be mindful of that!
Keep an eye out for more posts on 8-weeks pregnant. I will be posting a few more tips on how to take care of yourself during this time of pregnancy and tips to help keep stay active. For now, here is a sample leg workout for this week! Check out @mommashealthyhub for the video to help guide you through this workout!
In case someone hasn’t already told you today, you are amazing Momma!
Lisha xo
Sample Leg Work Out
- Exercises are completed on all fours
- 3 Rounds
- 20 Reps on each leg
Round 1: Body Weight
- Fire Hydrants
- Hamstring lifts to the back
- Hamstring Pulses
- Leg straight back & circle clockwise
- Leg Straight back & circle counter-clockwise
Round 2: Add 3 LB dumbbells
- Fire Hydrants
- Fire Hydrant Pulses
- Hamstring lifts to the back
- Hamstring Pulses
Round 3: Add exercise band around Thighs
- Fire Hydrants
- Fire Hydrant Pulses
- Hamstring lifts to the back
- Hamstring Pulses